The Process of Forgiveness


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Our efforts to forgive often fail, Fr. Laurence says, because we do not understand the nature and meaning of forgiveness. Forgiveness is not a heroic act of moral superiority directed at the culprit. It is a subtle process of healing for the victim, of letting go or the bitterness that hurt can create. The ego that is hurt cannot let go. Letting go is part of a deeper process of prayer, a response to Jesus’ call to leave self behind. Meditation, Fr Laurence says, is a work of laying down of our self. It is a spiritual discipline that takes us beyond the ego to our deepest center, our heart where God’s love can touch us, Vengeance then is no longer an issue. We let go of grudges and forgiveness happens.

CD 1 (72:12)
1. The Nature of Forgiveness: 12:17
2. The Egotistical Idea of Forgiveness: 14:02
3. Letting Go: 6:13
4. The Connection between Meditation and Forgiveness: 9:19
5 Attention and Education: 7:37
6. Guarding the: 12:23
7. Anchored in Hope: 10:01

CD 2 (39:36)
1.The Process of Forgiveness: 11:38
2.The Unloved Other: 10:46
3.The Power of Spirit: 5:11
4.The Wonder of our Being: 11:58