Teachings on Christian Meditation



On February 10, 2015, Fr. Laurence Freeman OSB spoke to 240 Catholic educators from the Diocese of Hamilton at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Waterdown, Ontario on the topic of Christian Meditation and Christian Meditation with Children. The day was sponsored by the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board in partnership with the Diocese of Hamilton’s Catholic Education Partnership and the World Community for Christian Meditation. Bishop Douglas Crosby O.M.I., D.D. of Hamilton Diocese welcomed those attending and spoke of the great hunger for prayer in our world today.

The teachings presented throughout the day were recorded and broken down into 27 sections with the intent of inviting viewers to go deeper in their experience of faith. This booklet includes a chapter heading for each section of the DVD along with a summary of the teaching, a scripture reading (lectio) that can be used as an introduction to the teaching, and questions for personal reflection and/or discussion.